
I was formed out of silence and death. Placed on a table with no breath and then revived by an old woman who prayed to Mary. 

I was carved out of big emotions swallowed up by a demented woman, in a fit of rage, thrashing a broom. I laughed and then was silenced by shame. I was built on secrets, aloneness, and hushed voices. 

Now, much older, I’m still being molded by whirlwinds, torment, and destruction.

I still try to chase the black birds away forgetting that they fed Elijah. 

I still run from angels before they say, “Do not be afraid.” I still try to do things my way forgetting that it will only lead to the endless, predictable death of the soul. 

Never has sadness been so lush, despair so green. Burdens as high as the palms, misery as deep as the sea. 

And yet – I know in my heart there is more. That God, who knows no depth or height, will prevail. In my many moments of weakness, I must remember His promises. 

I must forgive that demented woman thrashing her broom. I must thank that woman who gave me earthly breath and my middle name, Maria. 

Wedged between forgiveness and gratitude- I am still. 


black wings lifted off the bridge

with calls that deafened my ears

fears that I’ll never look at us again

remembering feeling hollow over

the ocean so full of abundance

starving during that beautiful falling tide


why is it that i hear screams in the night.

when i close my eyes, and it’s quiet.

flashbacks of you, having to be restrained.

you biting, biting. i’m bleeding.

memories of you strapped down, pumped full of ketamine.

close your eyes, close your eyes. i’m pleading.

session #1

One day when I was bathing in my usual sadness I noticed butterflies on a bush in my backyard. When I approached it I was surprised to find that they didn’t fly away but remained. These purple flowers growing, not flying, towards the sun. I marveled at their mimicry. 

I wondered why life couldn’t be as simple as these charming buds. Why does this life have to be so tragic? And why would seeing a butterfly shaped flower bring me such joy? Why couldn’t I just ignore it. I wonder why I have to notice every exhausting detail.

I need some space—some breathing room. But how can I ignore your tears after you’ve seen an injured bunny? And how could I ignore your questions of, “Will I go to Heaven?”

You are a part of my world, but for you—I am your world. For you I will continue to reach, reach, and reach.


I like the way the water seems to go the right when the wind comes in from the east.

And when I look up and squint, I’m reminded subtlety of a winter’s tree.

Barren branches just at the top and a bird giving a low, lonely call.

Within a second I’m reminded of where I am.

A place where the screeches of mowers are never-ending and the sun always shines.

The longing always remains though— to have a break from the heat and for it to be so quiet that I can hear the falling snow.


had a dream of my father last night
sitting across from me in a ferry
going which way, I have no clue
he faced the water, he wouldn’t look at me
he seemed mad at me, like he knew
I wanted to ask him
about the time he wanted to die
but I remained silent
the winds played with his thick mane
the low gray clouds behind him
ushered him back
I woke up sad


please lift me, lift me
the worms are making their way
into my nostrils as we speak
please fix me, fix me
bones are broken, can barely crawl
I am so weak
please save me, save me
soul left, sin eating me up
I’m not complete
please forgive me, forgive me


water everywhere, around me
surrounds me
puddles, the ponds, lakes, the sea
water above, around
surrounding me
my head under everywhere it seems
stuck breathing in bubbles, barely
but I’m gasping for air in my dreams


dreamt of your Moses last night
as if in a deep sleep
you just let him go
he went the opposite direction
down the stream
smiling amidst the sparkling water
that was taking him away
they found him by the bank
and loved him
but I spied and watched him grow
your Moses was brilliant
you would have been proud